
We have two childcare programs: the Little Chiefs Childcare full-day program and the Yus Afterschool Care program. To apply for either program please fill out, sign, and drop off the  unified application form.

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Little Chiefs Daycare

We are a licensed full-day Child Care Program for up to 24 children, aged 3-5 years. We have a Program Coordinator and a 4 Full-time ECE on staff. We also have an AIDP Consultant and Support Worker. Parents and families play an important role in our program. We are fortunate to have Elders sharing their gifts and knowledge with our children and families. The main culture of our community is Southern Dakelh Carrier and Tsilhqot’in.

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Yus After School Care

The afterschool program educators walk the children in love, honor, and respect to learn, sharing our identity and nurturing a learning environment based on our values and culture representation. We foster a view, where children value the way to be seen from a particular place.

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