ECHEN is proud to introduce a revised version of a community kitchen for the Dakelh territory.
Our goal is to discover a style of kitchen that combines the best of traditional and modern cooking techniques.
At each event we anticipate a maximum attendance of 7-10 participants, as well as kitchen staff, program coordinators and volunteers. The event should last roughly 3 hours and at the end of the event, participants will have the opportunity to purchase portions of food at $2.00/portion, which will include one meal portion, and one beverage portion. Each event of the program will select a different traditional recipe then the week prior, and host a different elder, teacher or knowledge keeper when possible.
For this program, we offer volunteer opportunities to anyone wishing to help with set up, gather materials, cook the food or offer teachings. This program involves interactions with minorities. For volunteer opportunities involving minorities, we require vulnerable sectors check for all volunteers. To complete this you must download the BC Services App and contact