Family & Community

Cultural Care

ECHEN Healing strives to provide a life of quality, well-being, caring and healing for children and families in the Quesnel District indigenous Community. We do this by creating a service model that is culture-based and respects the values of indigenous people, the extended family, and the right to self-determination. For countless generations, our ancestors thrive guided by the wisdom of our customs strengthening our tradition. Like many Indigenous communities, have experienced a history marked by tragedy and loss. Despite these challenges, there is a strong desire to move towards a future where celebrations and cultural practices are more normalized and balanced with the acknowledgement of our past. 

Resilient Voices

This aspiration reflects our resilience, strength, and hope for our well-being and cultural revitalization. In 1864, Tsilhqot’in chiefs were brought into Quesnel only to be arrested and hanged by the colony. In 2018, Canada recognized our 6 Tsilhqot’in War Chiefs as heroes. They were exonerated of any wrongdoing setting the stage with the goal of establishing respect and recognition. This process set the stage for a future individual voices. Lhtako Dene Nation, Nazko First Nation, Lhoosk’uz First Nation and ?Esdilagh First Nation having a connection to our war Chiefs in the Quesnel District. 

Unity Care

Our goal is to hold up and support children and families so that there is no need for apprehension. We want children to stay with their families and be raised by our families. We will be creating a traditional model of care and building the supports needed in our communities to care for our children and families.  Revitalize language and culture, healthy communities, empower education, training & opportunities, land connection, justice, and sustainable economic base.


Child and Family Services

Holistic Services

Homeless reduction

Mental Health

Early years childcare

Youth programing

Ice Fishing

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Wagon Ride

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Eco diversity

Land resilience

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Elders Council

Support/Prevention Services


Housing and Health Services