Doreen Patrick

Thelma Stump

Sharon Primeau

Elders in Residence Program

Indigenous Education in Southern Dakelh territory

Please note that our program is designed to be inclusive of all esteemed individuals who are recognized as valuable contributors to the preservation of knowledge in their respective fields.  The fields of expertise are broad, including but not limited to individuals such as healers, midwives, interpreters, and those who lead sacred ceremonies, celebrations, and rites of passage. If you’re uncertain about the appropriate way to address a Knowledge Keeper, simply asking them is encouraged.

We are committed to building relationships within the community, with the aim of establishing connections that lead to a deeper appreciation and enhance respect for Indigenous peoples and their cultures. It is our intention to convey to the communities around us the genuine vision of cultural integrity and the understanding that the land and environment greatly inform the culture and traditions of Indigenous groups throughout Canada.

“The concept of an Elder in the Indigenous community is sometimes a difficult one for non-indigenous people to understand. The difference is in the language: in English, it is a title; a noun. In Indigenous languages, it is a verb that describes the role.”  -- Elders Protocol an Guidelines- University of Alberta

We aim for alignment of interests between program participants and Knowledge Keepers. As a result, we value your input on the following topics: What practical implementations or guidance would you like to see within your group? Additionally, do you believe that specific age groups would benefit more from the presence of a Knowledge Keeper?

Every Elder listed has their own way of sharing knowledge and may require an honorarium to coordinate with your group.  

Elder Application Form


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